Monday, March 2, 2009



Previously that philosophy(and catchy show tune) has been my mantra, but as evidence of this weekend has shown, not so much anymore.

I made the faithful mistake of dining on a cheese stick, well not one, but 4 I think.....and some chicken wings. Well fuck I figured my "new lifestyle" wasn't going to happen until next week so I might as well go out with a bang eh? Ah, if only.  

You see for a few days prior to my Saturday sports bar dining, I actually was eating properly and avoided all such evil foods. I just never thought my body would react so quickly to something it was so used to in the past. And so in the midst of drinking beer and playing pool(I won) my stomach started to percolate something fierce and I had to high tale it home or else Montezuma's Revenge was going to make a spectacle out of me in front of the charming society of Chomedey's finest.  

So that was the highlight of Saturday. Sunday was a lazy day, I just got back from watching the end of season 4 of Dr. Who with Petro and Soula. I made them dinner and we sat riveted as new revelations unfolded.  I proposed that we plan a sick marathon of the 30 season of the old Dr. Who next winter. I think we just might do it :D

Ah yes, Friday. Friday was productive as I was able to lay out plans of the website to a good friend of mine. Time scales and technicalities were established so at least I know I won't be going through with this blindly.  It was an excruciatingly long day at work, and since it was the end of the month we had all the crap campaigns. One in particular made no sense: I had to call people who were telemarketed by representatives of Bell and asked them how THAT call went. Yes. Think about that. Two questions of the same mindless 1-10 answering scale to ask them how their call from a telemarketer was.  People were rightfully pissed and wanted to talk to my managers...I really didn't care much about it anyway but it just goes to show you what lengths big conglomerations would go to just to annoy the crap out of their customers. 

Ugh I need another job...

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