Thursday, February 26, 2009

Foot in Mouth Disease...

...I seemed to have caught it, quite hard too. 

Having a text discussion with a friend of mine I ended up saying something completely asinine that in result hurt him very much.  It takes you half a second to realize what a moron you were and you begin to frantically try to explain yourself... and in the end you just sound like a complaining idiot.  

I've said previously that I am very proud of the friends I have, I still am of course, but I find myself learning more and more from them everyday. Just when you think you know a person you begin to take things for granted and you start to assume certain aspects about them as a given. And my what a big slap in the face I had when I started to assume...

I think it has become a huge misconception that in order to form a lasting friendship one has to divulge everything about themselves within the first few days of seeing each other just to provide each other validation and faith in similarities.  If you really think about it, I mean REALLY think about it, you sort of realize that many of your friendships may have been formed that.  Well today I realized that as much as I think I may have known my friend, I was quick to understand that some people have very good reasons to be conservative about their willingness to share their past experiences...and patience is a key ingredient to a lasting friendship. 

Other than that speed bump my week so far has been uneventful. I finished reading Skinny Bitch in 4 hours and I've had some SERIOUS contemplations about becoming vegan. Me; the ambassador of all that is bovine to become a Vegemite. Now before y'all start telling me that I'm just joining a hype and that I will fall off the wagon by the end of the first week  by stuffing my face with ribs, hear me out. The only reason why I am contemplating such a drastic lifestyle change is because I just don't think my body can handle it anymore. I'm already lactose intolerant, I can't stand chicken...and as much as I love a juicy steak, I feel like a beached whale after a few bites.  However, I am still human. I will never give up fish, and I will continue to drink like a or not.  

So next week I start my new regime of a healthier me. Obviously it takes baby steps but I don't feel daunted about this at all. And don't worry, I won't turn into some granola breath bitch preaching about the joys of tofu, so you can sleep comfortably now.

By the way, my friend and I are cool :p

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