Monday, April 20, 2009


I rediscovered my love of Max Cannon comics this evening and I feel like spreading the love to all my faithful followers. The great thing about the Red Meat comic strip is not only the dry twisted humor, but the titles of the comics. "Inappropriate feelings towards skin peelings," Lukewarm juices with no excuses," and "Vapo-rub in your margarine tube" are just a few great examples that can most excellently tickle your fancy. Enjoy ;)

And now for your weekly update: I'm getting better at this I promise!  

The work week was fine and dandy, I actually have no problems with the restaurant and even though the clients are snobby, my superior telemarketing experience has molded me effectively enough to really not give a shit. There was a small teeny problem that really made me want to shoot myself, or others. As with most service related jobs usually the footwear must be all black and not sneakers. So I THOUGHT I bought a fairly decent pair of shoes but turns out they made my feet so crippled and sore I was hobbling and wincing in pain almost every night. What makes it worse is that I'm flat footed and I wasn't able to fit in my soles in the shoes so being quick and agile didn't really happen. Tomorrow I'm making it a mission to get something better or else I might cause some permanent damage. 

As I said to y'all earlier, our clientele are rich and snobby.  There is the actual full service restaurant downstairs and upstairs(where I work) is more take out and like a cafe as well as selling specialized imported products that are grossly over priced.  Some people feel the need to come to us, the counter girls, to complain about labels being in French or meals tasting too heavy. Does it truly look like I give a fuck about whether you liked the food or not? For some reason these customers would rather complain to counter girls instead of managers and chefs about their problems. But whatever, I'm so used to people complaining to me about something that I have absolutely no control over it doesn't even bother me anymore. 

Since I have so many friends who have worked in restaurants or any other type of job in the service industry, I have always vowed to myself that I'd never work in that industry for as long as I can. Surprisingly I'm liking it and this is only because I get to move around a lot, I get to meet new people all the time, and even if I have retarded customers all day it's definitely something to laugh about.  And because I'm such a foodie and excellent seller, my boss is putting me on the floor to greet customers and sell them the products. Apparently everything I tell a customer about they buy so that's always a good thing. 

One annoying thing I've realized is tips. Now I'm not expecting crazy tips from people but usually when I go out and I get a meal I like to tip at least the tax amount of my bill. Some customers would spend over $60 on a full service meal UPSTAIRS and not even bother tipping. Or they would make sure they have the EXACT amount of the bill just so that they don't have to tip. It's very odd....and even a tad neurotic. Whatever, if this place is going to be like it's first location then the tips will get way better in time...

I've been kinda out of the loop lately in terms of keeping up with my daily gossip and current events. I barely even have time to update my Facebook status...banish the thought! I hardly even have time for TV anymore. As usual mother has taken over the television and out of the whole day I got to see one episode of Kind of the Hill. Yes....pathetic. But amazingly just now as mother was flipping through the channels I made her stop at Blue Brothers, and we caught it right at the beginning!!! :D

The weekend was fabulous as usual, more painful than previous weekends but that was only because I worked all weekend.  Poor boy found it difficult to contain himself....hehehehehehe *snort*

Alright...James Brown is preaching at the Triple Rock...I'll catch you kids on the flipside ;)

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