Thursday, February 12, 2009

Wolfman's Got Nards!!!!

Ah, I do love cheesy horror movies...if you can guess correctly which movie that was from you get a cookie and a pat on the head!

So my day began with meeting up with Nick and using his McGill ID to print out some lessons for my client, then at 4 I had my "interview" for that survey place. Basically all I did was show up, fill out an application form, read the survey questions, and agree to a starting date. The turn over rate must be insane. 

But, the place looks clean and decent, and that's a good thing to have at a telemarketing company. I've worked at some rat holes with worn out cubicles and black screened "computers" with no mouse. Pure ghetto.  Whatever,  it's only for two months anyway and I don't have to wake up at the crack of ass anymore. I rolled out of bed with a huge smile on my face because I didn't have an alarm blaring at me.  Yay for me, I won't look like death in the morning anymore!!!

I just received my pay from last week, it feels so good to see a non negative amount in your account...but then the smile fades as you start slashing it apart with the bills you have to pay. 


Tomorrow is Friday the 13th, I plan on drinking and helping Tina with her homework. Bad mix?  Fuck no it's gonna be hella educational.  I'm sure she'll just love my rendition of Shakespeare in between the slurs and the belches.  What more can a girl want?

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