Sunday, February 8, 2009

Smokes for Shakespeare

Ok, ok…I really have to start getting the hang of this again. It’s been over two weeks and I haven’t posted anything. Forgive me?


Well it has been pretty interesting, full of partying, laughs, and even cleaning up animal shit!


Let’s start from the beginning shall we? The 30th was an excruciatingly long day spent downtown doing fuck all. Oh I had things to do, but in between these arrangements were long hours of staring blankly outside a window.  In the afternoon I had an appointment with a job agency, I was arranged to start working at a bank for a short term contract starting the next week. Full time data entry. Whatever it was money in my pocket so I could have cared less. 


After my appointment I bump into a friend and chill with her and her boyfriend at a café were we got free food, which was great because we were all broke and her boyfriend does some business with the owners. Yes, anything to get a freebie.


Once they had to get going I ended up at Chapters putsing around reading about my horoscopes and whatnot. Now the only reason I am downtown for so long was because I was going to see Pierre once he finished work, which was at 11 pm. We were taking over a friend’s apartment over the weekend while they were on vacation so we planned on heavily boozing it up.


 So I’m at Chapters until 9:45, as they were closing any minute. Head outside and sit at a food court for another 45 mins watching a nasty teenybopper couple making out, I wanted to shoot myself from the pure boredom I was experiencing.  Leave to yet another mall and pass some time there, then get kicked out by the security guards due to closing hours. Finally 11 rolls around and I’m at Pierre’s place of employment, enjoying the indoor heating. We meet and head over to apartment….


Ever seen a ferret before? Not only see one, but also spend a significant amount of time with such a creature? At first they are cute, then you start to look at them in loathing and contempt and think of them only as God’s mistakes…. furry clawed devils.  Our friend has two ferrets that are not the brightest of pets.  Now since our friend works long hours he doesn’t have much time cleaning after his pets but makes sure they are adequately fed and otherwise taken care of.  As Pierre and I walk into the apartment, we knew what we had to do, and braced ourselves. Firstly the stench leaves you delirious momentarily, but as the haze lifts from your eyes you realize you are walking into a cornucopia of ferret shit and have to dodge your poor feet away from the piles of poop throughout the floor.  Screaming, gagging and in near tears we scrubbed that place raw before we considered sleeping, or even relaxing for that matter. But after a bottle of Merlot and satisfying gyros, we nuzzled ourselves into bed and tried to forget about the whole matter.


The next day the ferrets were calm and didn’t bug me as much. Pierre was at work and I had the place to myself. Watched Queer as Folk and got myself ready for that night’s festivities; I was off to the south shore for Elaine’s birthday J.  

As always her parties are awesome, full of singing and interpretive dance…who could ask for more!? I didn’t sleep until 8:30 am Sunday morning so I think it was time well spent. 


Last week was spent working at the bank, waking up at 5:30 is not a pleasant experience, but surprisingly I did not show up late once! It’s a pretty simple job, mainly adjusting interest rates on specific mutual funds. I work with some pretty cool people so it gets me through the day. However there are increasing occasions in which my mind wanders and I snap out of my daze then realize 30 mins have passed by and I adjusted the same account 15 times. Oops!

This weekend I’m actually relaxing and pampering myself, I was supposed to see a friend and help her with her Shakespeare homework….my payment, cigs. Now THAT’S a friendJ However she was too sickly so it gave me perfect opperutnity to get my ass in gear and write away…


I WILL keep you kids updated, promise!

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